Tuesday 18 February 2014

Lion of the Sun

The final artist I am going to review is Lion of the Sun. 
                At very first glace I was semi-impressed with his artistic work. There had been one or two initial problems I had noticed when I browsed his gallery but nothing major in the quality of the work. He seemed to either be a hit or a miss with the masks he produced. A lot of the heads seemed “off” to me-with several anatomical problems-Nothing that was too bad though; but with further investigation of this artist had uncovered that this particular artist was not someone that I personally would commission from.

 A good Tiger mask
 One of the "off" looking ones.

The ears and the eyes are in incorrect positions for a canine creating another "off" mask.

                I had only spotted his work once or twice before, knowing the name and only the art I was not aware of his business and professional attitude towards his customers. Before I even think about commissioning I am sure to always poke around and read on said artist. The very first thing I had found on Lion of the Sun was an article posted on a website called “Artist Beware”-a website exposing unprofessionalism and scammers. I was surprised at first because he had seemed to taken commissions before- and he even had a business page.
                The poster of the article goes on to explain the situation they had faced when attempting to make a transaction with Lion of the Sun. They explain that he had avoided their emails for roughly 2 years after the first initial payment had been sent (despite attempting to contact the artist in many different methods-even in person.). They did not hear or see of any status of the commission they had paid half up-front for.  The poster states that they eventually had to file a case in a small claims court to receive their money back for the work they did not receive. If you would like to view the post and proof on artists beware click here.
                With even that one problem from the artist I would not consider purchasing from them- because it seems purchase from this artist is a  gamble-in quality and whether or not you actually receive your item. Prices for these works of art are very high and I would seek out a more reputable artist to commission from.